Sunday, April 1, 2007

New Boots For Winter

I love where I work because not only do we have cool stuff, I also get to see the new stock before customers, so when you find something cool you can snap them up before they're even on the shelves. Plus a 30% discount doesn't bad either!
So obviously when these new winter boots came in, I had to have them to keep my little toes warm on these cold Australian nights! they're so warm and stylish too! They go halfway up the calf, so my legs are warm too!

Now these weren't the only boots I have recently purchased. I also got a pair of black pointy boots, these however I am able to wear outside the vicinity of my house!! They are adorable and very comfy too, fit for dancing all night! All for a low price of $50 - I got $10 off because they were having a sale! Woo Hoo! See I am saving!! =P However, I look like a crazy big haired weirdo in this shot, but hopefully you can see my boots.

1 comment:

Alexandra Frankel said...

Cute! Cute! Love the both boots, people here wear the first pair out of the house too.

Love the hair, yea it does make you look more asian, but you look pretty 'asian' period. hahaha...