Monday, April 9, 2007


I hope everyone had a great easter break! I know I have! 4 days off from uni, who wouldn't be cheering?!? However I did have to do some uni work =( I did however make quite a haul on the chocolate easter egg front! (As you can see in the pictures, that's actually not all the eggs I got, I kinda ate a few before taking those shots! Whoops! But they were tasty!)

On Good Friday, a friend had a BBQ and we all had a gourmet seafood dinner (he is a chef), so the food was delicious! We had ate, exchanged chocolate easter bunnies and watched 300. It was a good movie, a bit too much blood and gore for my liking. However what was to my liking was 300 men with their shirts off and abs of steel! WOO HOO!!

On Easter Sunday, Dad and I went down to Di 5 and had dinner. Cau 3, Di 9 and Darren were also there. We had more seafood, which was yummy! No wonder we eat meat the rest of the year, because all the seafood is eaten during easter! Anyways, after dinner we had a Karaoke competition with the whole family! Even the grown-ups joined in - although they sang vietnamese songs! We all got a score out of 10 from everybody. Cau 3 was winning until Nicholas sang again and swept the floor and won the easter egg basket! However he was kind enough to share his winnings with us losers!

All in all, it was a great easter but I wish the rest of my family was here to enjoy the chocolate bunnies with me! =)

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